Page 271 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 271

                                                                                                              •.   ..  I

                                              INNEI{ CASE OIAI~Y

                related  to  the  Red  Fort  Shootout  in  2000.  Accordingly,  after  his  1.~:onry
                interrogation. the above mentioned Bilal ahmcd, alongwith his belongings,  i.e,J.1is
                mobile phone (make Red  Mi  4A, bearing Airtcl  Sim  of no.  9906700496),  one of
                his  boarding pass of Jet Airways from  Srinagar to  Delhi, one brown coloured bag
                (containg his daily  used  items/cloths etc.),  a card  board  box,  containing Kashmiri
                Roti,  and  some vegetables etc.,  was wken  to  the office of Special  Cell,  Dellii  for
                fi.Jrthcr interrogation and verification purposes.

                       At  about  6.45  PM,  the  team  alongwith  the  abo,!e  mentioned  suspected
               person Bilal Ahmad and his belongings, readied the office of Special CelL  LodJ1i
               Colony,  New Delhi, where he has  been interrogated in detail  and  facts about him
               were verified from  the,concerned police and  the other inte!Jigence agencies. After
               his  verific<Jtio.n,  as  per the  directions  of senior  o1Ticers,  you  arrested  the  above
               men(ioned  l3ilal  Ahmad  the present  case FJR No.  688/2000,  PS  Special
               C'ell,  Delhi  at  about  9.30  .PM  in  the  office  of  Special  Cell.  Theafter  you,
               interrogated, the accused person and rec0rded his disclosure statement in  the case.
    ..         The  arrest  papers,  seizure  memos. and  disclosure stare'ment .. of the accused,  al"So

              ·bears  my signat11res  as  witness.  Now, .you  recorded  my slatelnent in  the presdH
       ..    . correct       .   .     -                    .
              ~ase in  the· qffice .of Spec;ial  (ell/NDR.  The  Stat@.Jnent-is re-ad  over and  found  '· 1

     ·I                                                                        .  ~fir
      I                                                                       ,(Da~mar)

                                                                         Inspr./Spccial Cell/NDR,
                                                                         Lodhi Colony, New Delhi
                                                                            Dated:  10.01.2018

                                                              -.......-  ~  --



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