Page 268 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 268

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                lr~;okNo.       Volume No.      Case Diary No.

           ~1~~~~n~==~~±=~~~~                                                      002

           ,    j.{                              INNER CASE DIARY
                I FIR. hl.             Date                  U/S               .              ·
                .     c£h FIR No. 68N  dated 22.12.2000 u/s 302/307/353/186/201/12l/216/468/42~
                                                                :~ n;_~, '"t/01  .;.:XptOSIVe ;:,uus(a~-~~~-A~I~-&
                 PS  _,.,.71/!17LI/l'l.fl  DI"1.L"  '"";
                     \                        25/27 Arms Act, PS Kotwali, Delhi.                      .
                                        (being invcsligated by the Special Cell, Delhi).

                             Sl>~temcnt ofinspL Rahul Kumar Singh, No. D-J/690 (PIS No.
                      16940057), Special Ceii/NDH, Delhi.  Statement u/s  161  C1·.PC.
                             Stated that  I  am  posted  as  Inspector  in  Special  Cei!/NDR,  Lodhi  Colony ; ·
                      ))elhi.  Today  (10.01.?.018),  at  about  1 PM,  Sh.  Kanu  Bhai  Patel,  Dy.  SP/ATS ·
                      Abmedabad,  Gujarat,  along with  his  team  ca1ne  in. my  office  and  shared. th  '.
                      inf6rmation  that  one  accused  namely  Bilal  Ahmad  Kawil," Proclaimed  offendc :
                      arid  \vanted  in  case  FIR No.  688/2000  PS  Kotwali  Delhi  (Red  Fort  Shoot  Ou  •
                      Case) \\Ou!d arrive at IGI  Airport  f~om Srinagar awund at  about 5 PM.  I imd  Sh i
           l          Kanu Bhai  Patel, accordingly,·conveycd this information  to the senior offices and    1
           I          as· per their directions,  a team  consisting myself,  SI Anand,  SI  Sumit Kumar,  SI~
           I          Vive.k,  AS!:)0ruJish,  ASI  Kishnaram,  ASI  Iqbal,  HC  Munish,  Ct  Danish,  C  •

           I          Ashish.andY,~>U, equipped with an11S, ammunition, IO'kit; departed for IGJ  Airport
           f          bclbi  at'ab-Qut 3.30 P!v1,  to  act upon" infon:nation iiFofllciil Inn ova  Vehicle No!
          . ! ..      DL-JCM-{}221 &  Gypsy No. DL-lC.T-3642 and tearri of ATS Gujrat Police led by.
              .....   Sh  Ka1.1u Bbai  Patel, Dy  SI',  ATS,  Gujrat Police in th~ vehicle Tata Sumo No .
                      GJ.18~A,~}J76car.                               .                                    ..  I

       .  '
                             At :apptit 4.15  PM,  we  reached  T ~3, TGI  Airport,  Delhi,  where the  secret
                      iriformer met tis  and infom1ed about the arrival  of above mentioned Bilal Ahmad
                      froni  the  flight of Jet  Airways  from  Srinagar  to  D<;lhi.  On  that, .inquiry  was
                     conducted ·aboutthe concerned flight, in which  it was revealed that the flight No.
           '  t
                     9W0638 of Jet Airways was scheduled to  be arrived from  Sri Nagar to D~lhi at5
          ,.         pm,.:but. the same was· informed to be late for about 30 minutes .. Accordingly, the
                     team members  were .deployed  at the strategic points outside the Arrival  Gates  of
          I          T-3,  -IGJ  -Airport,  I)elhi.  I  alongwith  the  Dy.SI'/ATS  and  the  secret  infonner

          I          positj9.n.£d  outside the Arrival  getes.  At about  5.50 PM,. the passengers of abo:vc
                     mentioned flight of Jet Airways from  Srinagar to Delhi came out from  the Arrival
                     gates.  At  about  6  PM,  one  person was  pointed  out  by  the  secret  informer  and
                     informed us tl]at the. same was above mentioned Bilal Ahmad, who came out from
                     the· Arrival  Gate  3,  and  started  to  go  towards  ihe  escalators  for  Metro  station.
                     Immediately, the said person was surrounded by the police teams. After disclosing.
                     the ider'ltiiies ·of the pollee team,  above mentioned person was  inquired,  in  which
                     he  revealed  his  name  as  Bilal  Ahmad,  s/o  Ali  Mohd.  r/o  !\ali  Kadal.  Srinagar .
          •  ~. -li!_'~-.I~&~K:.:_. =D~u~n::_"n:_:g:_l~li~s-c:..:·u::_r:._so__:'>;;_'_i ... n ... te:.:.·r.:_ro:_:g:::.a:.:.ti:.:.o~n.:_, ':..:."Ja:.:l:...A:..:;.:h;..:m;:;;:.;d:...;;cl.;..en;.;.;i~e,;;.d...;t.;;.o...;h.;.;a:..;.v.-e_.

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