Page 274 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 274

                                                                                    ·-. ~T -·

                    No.     Volume No.       Case Diary No.

                                            . INNER.CASE DIARY

                                   Date                  U/S

                                                    I£.£Utlu u/s
                         471/474/120-B/34 IPC, 14 Foreigners Act, 4/5 Explosive Substances Act&
                                             25127-Arm~ Act, PS Kotwali, Delhi
                                       (being investigated by the Special Cell, Delhi).

                             Statement of HC Sushi! Kumar, No. 390/Spl. Cell (PIS No. 28071848),         1
                      MHC(M), PS Specia~ Cell,  Lodhi Colony, New Delhi.  Statement u/s 161
                      Cr.PC.                          .  .  .
                            . Stated that I am working as Malkh.ana 1richarge in PS Special Cell, Delhi. !
                      On 27.03.18, as per the your directions, I handed over the exhibits of the ease i.e. i
                      Original  bank  cheques  (08  Nos.)  and  specimen  hand  writings/signatures  (39  i
                      pages) of accused.vide RC No.  49/21/2018 dated 27.03.18 and mobi) etc.  :.  •·  ·
    ••  .  I  •   ._.  ~
                      ·in a sealed condition sealed with the seal.of 'SPL CELL-NDR-12' vide·RC.No.  '··
                      50/2l/2(H8. dated  2i03.18,  to  ASl  Anil .Rao,  No.  700/Spl.Cell,. PIS  No.
        ...           28961282, for depositing ~-same to FSL/Rohini, f>elhi.  Today-(28.03:18),
                "·~ .   dbp<isiting  the exhibits  in~ FSL/Rohini.  ASI ·Anif Rao,  handed· over the receipt
                     · copies of both the RCs to. ine with the acknowledgements .dated _27 &,
                   ··  the.FSL/Rohini, which I affiXed in the relevanffilelregister.c:l do not teffipered   __ ···--·
                      distut:b any of the above mentioned exhibits, ~le rem3.ined u; 'iJiy rustOdy in tile  .  ~-- - . -
                      PS Malkhana. Now. you .recorded my above ·mentio~_~tt?ll!en!S, which I  read
                               "oun·. d correct. ·            •      ·  ·      c   •    •• · · ·  -  ---·· ·· •  ...
                      Over and  1~                                                                        .   :' }~.  ·':..::"'".
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