Page 272 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
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                                Volume No.      Case Diary No.


                                                 INNER CASE DIARY

                                       Date                 U/S

                                              IPC, 14 Foreigners Act, 4/5 Explosive Substances Act
                                                25127 Arms Act, PS Kotwali, Delhi
                                          (being investigated by the Special Cell, Delhi).

                               Supplementary statement of SI Sum it Kumar, No. D-1736 (PIS No.
                        16080415), Special Cell/NDR,  Delhi.  Statement u/s 161  Cr.PC.

                               Stated  that  in  continuation  of my  previous  statement  in  the  case,  ·
                        further stated that· today ( 18:01.20 18), I remained associates in the invcstigati
                        present case. During investigation, in the office you interrogated the accused
                        Ahmad Kawa in  the case and recorded his supplementary disclosure <it~tPrlnPr>tl
                        the  case,  which  also  bears  my  signatures  as  witness.  Now,  you  r~corded·
                       supplementary  statement ·in  the  Case  in  the  office  of Special  Celi/NDR.
                        statement is read over and found correct.

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