Page 275 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
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                             Volume No.     Case Diary No.


                                             INNER CASE DIARY

                                   Date                  U/S

                           .  (Smu-ll)
                       Case FIR No. 688  dated )2.12.2000 u/s 302/307/353/186/201/l21/216/•~68;142(1A;
                         .471/474/120-B/34 IPC, 14 Foreigners Act, 4/S Explosive Substances Act &
                                            . 25/27 Arms Act, PS KotWali, Delhi        ·
                                        (being investigated by the Special Cell, Delhi) .

                             .Statem~nt of ~SI Anil Rao, No. 700/Spl. Cell (PIS No. 28961282),
                       Special Ceii!NDR,  Delhi.  Statement u/s 161 Cr.PC.
                                                    .     ~         .    .
                      .      Stated that I a:m posted as ASI in the Special Cell!NDR, Delhi. as per
                       directions, yesterd,ay (27.03.18), I took the exhibits i.e. 08 Original bank che:que:sj:
                       and  specimen  hand  writings/signatures. (39  pages)  of accused  vide  RC·
                  .  ~- ,49/21/2018  dated 27.03.18 and .mobile _phone.etc. :in,a,sealed conditiowsealedll:.~-.~,. ... ·.:. --
                    '.  with the seal of 'SPL CELL NDR-12'  vide RC No.  50/21/2018 dated.                    r.:·
         ..    ' . , ..  . .'fi:Qin MHC(M) HC Sushil Kilinar of Malkharia cit PS Special ce1i, Lodhi-C<I,Jonty;IL
                                                                                                                   -.~  ·.·~
                 . ·  · ..  Ddhi:and all the relevant docuinents/FSL  fom1S'from~you.'  ThCn;                      · ..
                  ~ .  FSI,; Madhuban Chowk, 'S«tor-14 Rohini, New Delhi,-. where the                                '• ~
        •.      . .  ·:.has <JCJJ(?s~t~_the ~xhibit i.~ ..  mobile phqne:etc.)is_pef:·RC.oo. _-:JUI£ii£Ut
      '  ··  ·.:.  · · ._:,.27.03.18  vide their  acknow~edgemeilt no:  FSC20I8/<:;FU·2458''dalted:·2  .v->-.H,.r    ..
   · :  .- .  _  .  · ·  ·  ·However, tht? DocumentsDi~siori hai raised <Jbjecil.<Jri~ i-e~ iO d~site
  _, .. :_  , .•  ·   ... · ·.· ·  .other exhibits  i.e. 'handwritings  etc .. for  want <lf:·adiilitted,·handwiitingS:'of
   ~::;:.~. ·- · :.  '.: .. '~-~il!.~·iror <;omjJari.$ori:  Tod;iy  (28.03.18),·  .• - ·  · ·  ·  ·   ·
    -        .  :  : :.:·:exhibits. i.e .. handWritings etc.' as per Rc No.'            ,03J 8;' with~ the I
             ·  <  ·:.  -. repiy:orth.eir.oi:ijec1·~o~ns~·;-~-an~-d~-~IJ:~~l~~ij~--~~~r~~~J~~;~i~~l~~~~j~~~~~
   ~-                                                     .
   .  ,J  ·.  · ··  ~-~.:.::~~.-- .. ·ac~Q!9jii_~g~m¢D1  ··  ·
    '  '·--  .  . .-:·  -:  ' the. office . and   ihe
             .. ~- ...... ~.:  :: .. .. - .,:   - ..  •..   .·-- - .   ..   ·~  '·
             ..   ·. · ', .. a£knowledgements'to the .l\1HC (M) and CO.JJY.<Ot·
               = ..  ·.- .. _ :,wefiti9n~ Ac;knowledgment of FSL, .which. be:ars . .m:y,.siigruatuires ,,also,.][ ;dc) .. not-1·.~-"'"·'"'·~ ... , .• ,..,;,·: ..
             :,, .;_; 'ft; ·,:disturb any ofthe.abovy mentioned exhibits,
             _: ·:. ···.  -~yo~ 'ieeorded•.my.a6.ove ·ibentioried· .....  ·  ·                            . _ : ·_,  ~ ..
            . ·. :'· ~:--- _, . .Correct. ·.  ·  · .. _.  ~-··  ::- ·  ·  ·  ·   _ _:_.,;;..:,...::.:.:. . ...;,.,..,.;;,,..,..,:_"""'--=-~-~,.,,.,.,""'~ ;,:>··.:-:  ·.:::;:;;::;:,~
                                       ~- . . . -.  ':      -...
                                                         . -
              .---··~.  ~·-;                             -.·
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