Page 67 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 67


            ·i.l  .

                              8.  That the present application has been filed .in  the interest of

                                 justice and in the most bonafide and legal manner.


                           In view of the above mentioned facts and circumstances, it is most

                           respectfully prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to:

                                  1.     Pass  necessary  orders  and  directions  for  releasing

                                         Jama Talsahi i.e.  properties/ documents  mentioned in

                                         Para No.2.

                                  ii.    Grant  any  other  relief  or  ·order  in  favour  of  the

                                         applicant,  which  this  Hon'ble  Court may deem fit  and

                                         proper in the circumstances of the case.

                                                                                        8LW  f:!J..YY\IiJ  ~-"7


                                                                  (COUNSEL FOR THE APPLICANT)

                           New Delhi                                 CufUvt  \rf l.
                          Date: C\ ) 1-) \ ~

                                                                     1 ~  \~,  LC.F      ~~

                                                                       Lou ~"* rvo- <lll.

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