Page 62 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 62

FUt na.  683/2000
                      PS:  Kotwali (investigated by special cell)
                      State Vs. Bilal Ahmed Kawa


                                    Ld. Add!. PP for State.

                                    Ld. counsel for iipplig(lnllaccused.

                                    Vide  thi1>  order  I  shall  dispose  of the  application  moved  on

                      behalf of accused seeking release of jam<ltalas.hi <'lrticles.

                                    Notiqe  of this  application  was  issued  to  the  Department and

                      reply  has  been  filed  stating  that  they  have  no  objection  in  releasing

                     j<~matalashi articles except driving licence, mobile phone etc. and boarding

                      pas~ of ac<mse.d nwntioned ;tt Sl. no. 3, 6, 7 and ?bovc.

                                    Arguments on the applict~tion heard and reco.r<:l perused.

                                    In  view of the nvermcnts 111ade and  reply filed by t)1e 10, 10/

                      SHO concerned ;we directed to  release the entire jamatalashi articles

                      to the above mentioned accused (c~xc:::1t mobile phone) as per personal

                      search  memo~  as  per  rules  against  due  acknowledgment.

                                    Applications moved stand disposs:::cl of accordingly.

                                    Copy of this oider be given dasti.

                                                                          CQel.?pil• SI i'l!'
                                                                        CMM/PH\1'/Ncw Pelhi
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