Page 68 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 68

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           IN THE C'1URT Of S 11 (2  I  D &liP A 11  '\pt.g Ac..~ 1 1  (D' C ill M,.  fq!q.R.  !G..u..- Gw.

           Suit I Arf/lal No.                       r0...av  OJ)..,.  -~ll\JRISDICTION of 201
           In re :-                                                  ·
                Y aD._                                     Plaintif!~ or  Petitioner(s)
                                                          Appell<tr•)t{s)    Complainant(s)
            · ~U AlvwJ  ~                              Defendant(~s) /Respondent{s) /Accused
          KNOW ALL to whom these present shall colne that If~ We  fl jJ  & M.<.J  l4' " -
          ----------------------------                           -  '~   -~  .
                                                            e= ··.-F··
          The above named          eppi!c.c, . .k           .  . .. · _.    do hereby appoint
                           C~J ~·  AJ,_,pcJ._  . f                               ~\{t- {8d1ooo

                                 ~ -1 ~ ( ll<u~J • ~ r~r Nv ~ m . ~- ~ ,t.:,L:u.ui.. · ~))_

                     .                    ~ r;,rhv               ..

          (h_erein after called the advocate/s) to be my/o-;;;pfdv-;,cate in th r~ above-noted case authorize
           him/them:-                                i   :       ·
                 To act, appear and plead in the above-ndted case in ttJis court or in any other Court in which
          the same may be tried or heard and also in the a~pellate court .'including High court subject to
          payment of fees separately for each court by m~ us.   .      \
                 To sign file, verify and present pleading{;~~· crcvss-objections or petitions for executions
          review, revision, withdrawal, compromise or othilr petitions Oi !<lffidavits or other documents as may be
          deemed necessary or proper for the prosecutiol- ofthe said c;l~se in all its stages subject to payment of
          fees for each stage.   ·                 ,            ,
                 To file and take back documents, to adm  t and/or der1y the documents or opposite party ..
                 To withdraw or compromise the;e or sub~il!to arbitration any differences or disputes
          \'-,at may arise touching or in any, manner relating! to the said cJ;ase.
                 To take execution proceedings.   '   \
                 To deposit, draw and receive money, cheques, ca~fe and grant receipts hereof and to do all
          other acts and things which may be necessary  to be done For the progress and in the course of the
          prosecution on the said case.            .
                 To appoint and instruct any other Legal 'Practitioner <tLithorizing him to exercise the power and
          authority hereby conferred upon the Advocate ~vhenever her. '3Y think fitto do so and to sign the power
          of attorney on our behalf.               ·           .
                 And II We the undersigned do hereby ;;Jgree to ratify<  nd confirm all acts done by the Advocate
          or his substitute in the matter as my/our own fal:ts, as if done t (l' me/us to all intents and purpose.
                 And IIWe undertake that 11 We or myfclur duly au tho filled agent would appear in court and all
            ~ th<;Advocate for appearance when tlf'~ case is called.
                      '·  Ve undersigned do hereby agrFe not to hold tl  ·~advocate of his substitute responsible
                       'the said case.The adjournment costs whenr  ver ordered by the court  shall be of the
                       il he shall receive and retain foi himself.   1
                       Ne undersigned do hereby agr!le that in the evlent of the whole or part of the fee
                       us to be paid to the advocate remaining unpaiC:I f1e shall be entitled to withdraw from  the
                      t the said case until the same is paid up. The  fE~e settle is only for the above case and
                      :/We hereby agree that once th? fee  is paid,  !!'We will not be entitled for the refund of the
                      ;ase whatsoever and if the case prolongs for n~ore than 3 years the original fee shall be
          r-'""'._  ~·.PHi(  ;me/US
          ·     IN  Wl'rHNESS  WHERE  OF  1 /We  ~~Jlereunto selt  ~y/our hW-!l  to these  present'! the
          content)!. of which have been understoo~- by me/us on tins .......... ':1 ................................. day
          ~~~~~i~~~-~t~ th~i~;~~ ~iij,'~'i~~~ 'b                                 .
                                                                              e,,~  Ah""J _J  ~«>....,., .
                                                     Client                                 Client  C))/'

                                                                                 ression of the Client
                                                                                     lin my presence
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