Page 25 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 25

CITY/NCR                                            Wednesday, November 12,2003   5
                                                                         Hindustan Times, New Delhi

                  Lawyer in the dock for slapping cop

                  HT Correspondent      Lashkar·e·Tayyebba  (LeT)  lie servant from his duty.   the lawyer slapped ·si Har-
                  New Delhi, November 11   terrorist  Ashfaq  Ahmed,   The incident occurred at 3  inder  on  his  .left  cheek,
                                        later tendered  an  apology   pm,~when the court was ex-  while the judge was seated
                  PANDEMONIUM  BROKE    to the court.         amin'ing a  prosecution wit-  in the courtroom. This' was
                  out in a city court on Tues·   The  Delhi  Police  have   ness,  Mohammed  Khalid.   followed  by  a  shocked  si-
                  day; after a lawyer slapped a   registered  a  case  against   Proceedings were disrupted   lence.
                  Delhi Police official during  Tufail at the Subzi Mandi  following the incident when   The court noted this fact
                  the hearing of the Red Fort  police station. He has been  an argument broke out be-  in the note sheet. The lawyer
                  shootout case.        charged  with  criminal  in-  tween the lawyer and a Sub   apologised to the court. The
                   Advocate  R.M.  Tufail  timidation and voluntarily  Inspector (81).   proceedings   have   been
                  who  is  defending  the  causing hurt to deter a pub-  According to  the police,   scheduled for Wedr,..,~day.
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