Page 22 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 22

Senior Counsel sJap~.

                                              Sl before judge


                                              Staff Reporter   (51)  Harender Singh brougqt ·.
                                                               aU  the  computers  into  the
                                               New Delhi       court,  as per the judge's dt-'·
                                                               rcction.  Accused  AshfaQ's
                                        IN AN outrageous incident, a   counsel.  HM  Tuffail.  was
                                        Senior Counsel appearing for   standing too dose to the com,- ·
                                        the  accused in  the  Hed  Fort   puters produced in the court.·
                                        shoot-out case slapped a Delhi   to  which  the  SI  objected.
                                        police  personnel  inside  the   Fearing  that  the  computers
                                        court  on  Tuesday.  The  inci-  might get tampered \vith. he
                                        dent. which took place in pres-  asked  the  counsel  to  st<.l.y  ,'
                                        ence  of  Additional  Sessions   awav from  them  or else  the ·
                                         Judge  (ASJ)  OP  Saini,  has   sealS might break.   '
                                         shocked senior police offidals,   The  counsel  argued  with''
                                         who  have  registered  a  case   the police oflicer and \vith(rut'-
                                         against the adYocate. The in-  any provocation slapped hi in
                                         cident occurred  in  Court  No   on his face. The Sl  was latc·r
                                         116 at the Tis  Hnzari  courts   taken  for  medical  examina-
                                         where  the  Red  Fort  case   lion, even as  the judge, \V-.,_d
                                         hearing  was  underway.  On   \vitncssed the whole ineident,··
                                         Tuesday. the judge had asked   silently took note of the action ·
                                         the prosecution to submit ev-  in  the  day's  proceedings.'
                                         idence of a related incident, in   However, Delhi police o!TicHtlS  '
                                         which certain computers were   seP-m to have taken a seriou;• ·
                                         seized by  the Special  Cell  of  note of the whole event. A s\>  · ·
                                         the Delhi police.     nior  offic.ial,  commenting .on
                                          The computers were seized   the incident sa.i.d,  "thLs incidcht
                                         from  Okhla  <lt  around  the   is a slap on the police and 'is,·
                                         same  time  as  the  Hed  Fort  bound to  demoralise  the po·- . -
                                         shoot-out that took  place on   lice force". Moreover in a sen-
                                         December 22, 2000. The sen!   sitive  case  like  the  Hed  fort·
                                         on  the exhibits  were  broken   shoot-out case, stich an inci- ·
                                         and  five  computer  monitors   dent \\rill also be seen as a set-
                                         were found. Four CI'Us, print-  back to the antHerrorist dp- ·
                                         ers  and  keyboards.  all  al-  erations, the official added:  '''
                                         legedly seized during the in-  Following the incident, the -
                                         vestigation from I he comput-  Special  Branch  of the  DeJlV·
                                         er ecnu-c run by main accused   police  has  registered  a  ca~t~:
                                         Mohammed Arif alias Ashfaq   against  Tuffail  under  IPC
                                         at Gafoor Nagar near Okhl.a in   Sections  186,  353,  332,  !>06
                                         south delhi. were discovered   pertaining to obstructing or a
                                         Mohanm1ed Khalid, a \\itne~s.   government  servant  during
                                         identified Ashfaq in court and   duty, causing hurt and crim-
                                         said that the latter had bought   inal intimidation.   _ .
                       ~omputers from  his shop                  However soon arter the in'-
                                         in Gafoor Nagar. Deposing be-  ddcnt  counsel  Tu!Tail  ten~
                                         fore the court, the investigat-  dered an unconditional a pOl,_··
                                         ing  officer  on  behalf of  lhe   ogy  in  court on  realising  lii~-
                                         Special  Cell,  sub-inspector   folly.   '
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