Page 28 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 28


                               t·Advo~ate slaps cop in court

                               '  ,  - .   ~- .  ' .  •  .   . ~  '  .   of the document;", Thfail slapped the po-  "
                                                                               :  _....
                                                                           !.  .
                                NEWDELHI, NOVEMBER 11·   · ·    !icC official._HO\\'CVC.f, soon after he ten-
                              I ~  -   ·.  ~  .                 de red an unconditiqnal apology.
                               [  "TiiERE was chaos in the: courtroom   Tufa if said: "It was unintc:ritional and
                               j-when.a ddcnce c·aunscl in the Red· Fort   unfortunate. I felt bad when the police (.,ffi.
                               r._s11oot'out case today slappe~ a police offi-  cern.cCused me of tampering with the case
                               ~ cial aftef an altercatiOn.      property and 'breaking the seal. But J ex-
                               :,.:  .SpCcial Cell Sub-In~pector.Harinder  cecded mylimits.Tcmucallysorry.''
                               .i-·Singh asked AdvocatC·R.M . .Tufail,;who   ·n1c court noted the incident in the or-
                               i,.waS __ appcaring for accused·Ashfaq, anal-  dcrshec't. The police offici:\] was taken for
                               '  lcged LeT tC.iTorist,,not to go close to rhc   medical examination.   ·
                               ~Scalcddocum,cnts brOught for the perusal   Latcr;th.c Spc~ial Cell lodged a case_ of
                                ofASJ O.P. Saini. ~~Jmoyed by the Sl's de-  criminal intimidation and obstructing a
                               ~  man~d "not to tamper with or'break the seal   puhlic !'ervant while on ·duty.

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