Page 253 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 253

Rehm11na Yusuf,  Babbar Mohsin Bagwala,  Matloob Alam,  Nazir Ahmed Qasid  a~.
            Farod1  have  been  acquitted  by  the  Delhi  High  Court,  Delhi.  On  10.8.2011,  Tl~'

            Hon'ble  Division  Bench  of Supreme  Court  dismissed  the  appeal/petition of Mohd.
            Arif@ Ashfaq and ordered to continue his death sentence confirmed by the Hon'ble
            High Court of Delhi.

                   On  10.01.18  above  mentioned  Bilal Ahmed  Kawa  RiO  Srinagar,  Ja1pmu  &
            Kashmir,  Proclaimed  offender  and  wanted in present case  FIR  No.  688/2000,  l~S
            Kotwali,  Delhi was  apprehended  from  IGI  Airport,  Delhi.  One  Mobile  Phone  rJ,d
            some docuements were recovered from his possession.

                   Accused Bilal Ahmad Kawa was a  conspirator of Red Fort attack in the year
            2000.  During the investigation of the case  it was revealed that the  accused Mohd.
            Ashfaq @ Aarif,  used  to  receive  money  from  Pakistan through  Hawala  operators,
            which (the money) was used in the Red Fort attack and in other terrorist activities
            in Jammu & Kashmir. Accused.Mohd. Ashfaq further sent haw ala money to Jammu
            & "Kashmir  through  different  bank  accounts.  One  of  these  account  was  of  Bilal
            Ahmad  Kawa  in  Standard  Chartered  Grindleys  Bank  of Srinagar  Branch,  J&K.
            Bilal  Ahmad  Kawa  used  to  distribute  this  terrorist  funding  among  the  LeT
            operatives in Kashmir. After the arrest of accused Mohd. Ashfaq in the year 2000,
            Bi·lal  Ahmad  Kawa  was  hiding himself in  Kashmir  under  an  assumed  fabricated
            identity but his cover was blown a  few  days ago.  He was alleged to be in touch with
            Mohd. Ashfaq alias Mohammed Aarif alias Aarif, a  Lashkar (LeT) comri1ander who
            was one ofthe prime conspirators of the attack: Ashfaq,  who belongs to Abbottabad
               ..   \  :r        -~··   .,
            in Pakistan,'-had"beepawarded the death sentence, the same was also confirmed by
            the "supreme Coutt i~ the year 2011. He is lodged in Tihar Jail along with 10 others
            who have been convicted in the case.

                   The present accused Bilal Ahmad Kawa,  was absconding for  the last around
            17 years and remained wanted in the present case. He was also declared Proclaimed
            Offender (PO)  by  the  concerned court in the  case.  He  requires thorough sustained
            interrogation in the case. He is also required to l?e  interrogated by other intelligence
            agencies.  The  details  of  his  associates  are  to·  be  extracted  from  him  through
            sustained interrogation which requires lots oftime.

                         It is,  therefore,  humbly  requested  to  grant  10  days  Police  Custody
           remand of the present accused Bilal Ahmad Kawa@ Bilal in  ~he abo~e mentione_d  ......)
           case FIR No.  688/2000, PS Kotwah, Delh1. ._  ,~ W~ ~1~...,,.~ ~cM..or
               -fw-11." "':"L'f1,7 ~~-''' '""' •I<.
                                               t< ·•                            (Dalip l{U:mar)

                                                                             Inspr./Spl Cell/NDR  .
                                                                          Lodhi Colony, New Delhi.
                                                                              Dated: 11.01.2018

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