Page 112 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 112

-'                     700/Spl.Cell  --
              6. V''A"il           (PIS No.              Officer      Special Cell,       To prove depositing
                                                                      Lodhi Colony,
                                                                                          of exhibits in FSL
                                   28961282)                          New Delhi.          and his statements
                  ,_                                                                      dated 28.03.18.
              7.   S1 Sumit        No. D-1736,  --       Police       Special             To prove the arrest of
                   Kumar.          PIS No.               officer      Cell/NDR, Lodhi     accused, other
                                   16080415,                          Colony, New          investigation of the
                                   Special Cell,                      Delhi.              case and his
                                   Delhi                                                   statements u/s 161
                                                                                           CrPC,  dt.  10.01.18,
                                                                                           18.0 1.18, 20.0 1.18,
              8.   Sh. Vijender  Asstt. Dir.      --      Govt.       Asstt. Dir.         To prove his FSL
                   Singh           (Documents)           officer      (Documents),        result No.
                                   , FSL,                             Forensic Science    FSL.2018/D-2512, dt.
                                   Rohini,                            Laboratory, Govt.    28.09.18.
                                   Delhi.                             ofNCT Delhi,
                                                                      Chowk, Rohini,
                                                                      New Delhi-
              9.   Dr. Jagjeet     Sr. Scientific  --    Govt.        Sr. Scientific      To prove his FSL
                   Singh           Officer               officer      Officer             result No.
                                   (Documents)                        (Documents)-        FSL.20 18/CFU-2458,
                                   -cum                               cum Examiner of  dt. 23.10.19.
                                   Examiner of                        Electronic
                                   Electronic                         Evidence to the
                                   Evidence to                        Govt. ofNCT
                                   the Govt. of                       Delhi, Forensic
                                   NCTDelhi,                          Science
                                   FSL, Rohini,                       Laboratory,
                                   Delhi.                             Madhuban
                                                                      Chowk, Rohini,
                                                                      New Delhi-
               10.  Sh. Parveen    Manager        --     Bank         Standard            To prove his report
                   Kumar,          Internal              officer      Chartered Bank,     dt.  19.02.2018
                                   Services,                          Liability           regarding bank
                                   Standard                           Operations, 2nd     details of accused
                                   Chartered                          Floor, SC Tower,    persons in case FIR
                                   Bank.                              DLF Building,       no. 688/2K, PS
                                                                      7A,DLF              Kotwali, Delhi.

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