Page 111 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 111

Case FIR No.  688  dated  22.12.2000  302/307/186/353/1211121A/216/201/420/468/
                      4711474/120-B/34-IPC,  r/w.  174\A-IPC,  14  Foreigners  Act,  4/5  Explosive
                ~ Substances Act &  25/27 Arms Act, PS Kotwali, (Being investigated by the Special
                ~~~II), Delhi.

                                         SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF WITNESSES

             S.No   Name           Father's!      Date/   Occupation  Address              Type of evidence to
                                   Husband's      year                                     tendered  ·
                                   name           of
               1          2              3          4         5                6                     7

               I.   Sh. S.P.       Captain, 7     NA      Army        Rio 672, Nadkami  The complainant of
                    Patwardhan.    Raj RAF,               officer     Nagar, Kan Kavli,  case. To prove his
                                   Delhi. Red                         Distt. Sindhvara,    complaints dt.
                                   Fort                               Maharashtra-         22.12.2000.
               2.   Sh. Kanu       Dy.SP/ATS,     53      Police      Dy. SP, Anti-        To prove the
                    Bhai Kishor    Gujrat.        yrs.    officer     Terrorist Squad,     apprehension of
                    Bhai Patel                                        Ahmedabad,           accused, seizure, and
                                                                      Gujarat.             his statement dt.
               3.   HC Virender  HC/DONo.         NA      Police      PS Kotwali, North  Alongwith original
                    Kumar,         475/N,PIS              officer,    District, Delhi.     FIR No. 688/2000,
                                   No.                                                     PS Kotwali, Delhi to
                                   28824828                                                prove the registration
                                                                                           of case.
               4.   The Record     In charge,     NA      Govt.       Criminal Record      Alongwith all the
                    Keeper         Criminal               official    Room, Tis Hazari  record related to trial
                                   Record                             Courts, Delhi.       of case FIR no.
                                   Room, Tis                                               688/2000, PS
                                   Hazari                                                  Kotwali, Delhi. To
                                   Courts,                                                 prove the previous
                                   Delhi.                                                  chargesheets and trial  !
                                                                                           of the case.         ~
               5.   MHC(M)/H       390/Spl. Cell  --      MHC(M)      PS Special Cell,     With case property
                    C  Sushi!      (PIS  No.                          Lodhi Colony,        and Register No.  19
                    Kumar          28071848)                          New Delhi.           &  21  related to the
                                                                                           case FIR No. 688/2K,
                                                                                           PS Kotwali, Delhi.
                                                                                           Statement u/s 161
                                                                                           CrPC dated 28.03.18.

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