Page 9 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 9

Shootout accused wants                                    Red Fort accused gave

          rv·b~ free of chains                               •      money for matrimony

              '    <(I                                •      .
          NEW DE,l..Pl: )1kistani national  chains. Even ~he accused m the at-'   H'F~correspondent   Ghazipur.
          ArifaliasAshfaq,themainaccLised  tack  on  Pa~lmment_ ~ou~e wer_e   New Delhi, March 20   Special  Prosecutor  A.P.
         in the Red Fort shootout case, ere-  without chatns, he sa1d m h1s apph-         Ahluwalia  read  the  state-
         ated  a scene when  he shouted at  cation. The police are yet to file a   REHMANA  AHMED,  wife  ments  of  three  other  ac·
          the court on the issue of ren~l of  reply to his plea.    of the main accused in the  cused  in  the  case,  Babar
          his chains.  As soon as proceedings   Earlier, special prosecutor A  P   Red Fort shootout case, Ash·  Mohsin  Baghwala,  Faruq
         ended,Ashfaq shouted:"! will not  Ahluwalia alleged that two Srina-  faq  Ahmed,  said  in  her  and Nazir Ahmed Qasid.
         get justice from this ~nurt." He was  gar-based haw ala operators- Fa-  statement  on  Wednesday   In  his  statement,  Bagh-
         joinediritheout~~yhislndian  rooq  Ahmad  Quasid  and  Nazir ~   that Ashfaq offered her Rs   wala said he met Bilal, a ter·
         wife  and  co-accu ..... ::.J,  Rehman a  Ahmad Quasid- arranged mon- '   10 lakh for marrying him.   rorist,  on his  way  to  Pak·
         YusufFarooqi.              ey  from  Pakistan  for  the  alleged   The proseCution proceed-  istan.
           Security personnel accompany-  Lashkar·E-Taiba terrorists to exc-  ings  in  the  case  began on   Later,  Ashfaq  contacted
         ing the accused immediately .took  cute the attack.        March 6,  fifteen months af.  him  through Bilal  and  re-
         the couple out of the court of addi·   Fifteen months after the attack   ter the attack in which two   vealed  his  plans  to  attack
         tional sessions judge M S Sabharw-  on Red Fort,.arguments on charge   armymen  and  a  civilian  the Red Fort. Baghwala pro·
         al, who was hearing arguments on  began on March 6 with the prose·   Were killed on December 22.   vided  logistic  support  to
         charge.                    cut ion alleging that it was  a pre·   '  Rehmana  said  that Ash-  Ashfaq and took him on a
           Ashfaq  has  moved  an  applica·  planned terrorist  act perpetrated   faq had contacted her in re-  recce to  the main areas in
         tion  seeking  t~e removal  of his  by the Pakistan·based LeT.  (PnJ   sponse to a matrimonial ad-  the city.
                                                                    vertisement in a newspaper.   The police recovered a let-
                       ~R?lll Cl1)  ~                               Ashfaq told her that he was  ter from  Ashfaq  posted  to
                                                                    working "for  the lSI  and  if  Babar from  Srinagar after
                                                                    she married him, he would  the attack.
                       ~fiR' ~ttll~l                                give her Rs 10 lakh.    The  prosecutor·  alleged
                                                                      In return, he could carry  that Srinag<ir-based hawala
                            3Hmcn                                   out his activities without at·  operators  Nazir  Ahmed
                                                                                           Qasid  and  Faruq  Ahmed
                     m;mwmm                                         tracting suspicion.
                                                                      The police said they had  Qasid  had  forwarded  the
                     "!''t ~. 20 """'  .  .                         recovered Rs  2.85  lakh and  money for  the  attack from
                         ~in;;o:~~ii;                               some bank receipts from a  the  Lashkar-e· Tayyeba  to
                     ~. 31iUfur ~ O!lftq; a,;.                      raid at Rehmana's house in   Ashfaq.
                     "'.rm; ~ """ "" am mrt " <'Pit
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                     ~?cn 1 .m ft!<t """ "' f'1;  fliOOl  <m
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