Page 54 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 54

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  ,,  ~.ii.             6.          It has  beer  argued  by  learned  counsel  for the applicant/accused   ,,,

       \fl,             that  accused  is  in  custody  since  10.01.;l018.  It is  stated  that accused  is  not   I
   . .,.   .  -~-  f'"'   ·rnvolved  in  the  present  case  anq  has  peen  ~:~rrested  after  17  years  of the
           :  .
        ~·}~1-'f:, :;   •  incident. He has pointed out that present case relates to the Red Fort shootout  '
                       . C'ase.  wherein  all  the  accused  persons  except  accused  Arif  have  1:>~.en         - .. , ·,.
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                        acquittec  by the  trial  court or by Hon'ble  High  Court of Delhi.  He has further
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   ·~·  .....  '  • ~ -- .. ~pof~ted out that there is no incriminating evidence against the accused except
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       ..  •I  ,_       one entr:;  in  the  bank account whereas on  the  basis of more evidence,  other
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        ~               accused  persons have been discharged or acquitted in this case.  It is  pointed
        •• 1.,  •      .-eut that the cof1spiracy coulq  not be proved by the prosecution.  He has drawn
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         j              my  atter,tion  to  the  filing  of  ITR  (incom!3  tax  returns)  and  TDS  certificates-
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        r.l.            showing  that  accused  was  doing  the  business  for  last  number of years-~~d
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   .....,.-.... ..,., .. ~   has been  paying  income tax  by duly filing  ITRs and  has  roots  in  the  socij:lty .
                       ~He''has also  drawn  my  attention to  the report of local  SHO where accusea;.is .
                 . ---  ~ -·
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         •              residing.  which shows t1at no summons or warrants were received against the
   -~·~.··              accused and he had duly informed the same to learned CJM, Sri Nagar, J. & K.         ~-
                  , .•
  .:i  ~~~  . '        .7.          On· the  other  hand,  learned Add I.  PP  for  State  has  opposed  the
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                        bail  application  ar~uir.g  that  present  accused,  in  conspiracy  with  other
        f  .'    I\·   · accysed  persons  conducted  attack  on  Red  Fort.  He  has  pointed  out  that              '·.
       E               .accused gave  his  bank account of Grindleys Bank Ltd.,  Sri  Nagar,  J & K and
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       '• if• :f·
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                 ·· --· --an  amount of Rs.  10  lakhs,  deposited  in  the  said  account  was  sent through
   ........ .,  .!f f" ...  , ••
         I                                                                                                    •
  I !•  ·~···"'         Hawala to Delhi for conducting terrorist ~:~ttacks.                                  y
    .•  I   '  ~  •·  >f, ~ 4
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  '  •!¥1.   '   '     .. 8.        Ld.:Addl.  PP for State h~:~s pointed out that investigation is at initial
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        l·              stage  and  accused  was  also  declared  proclaimed  offender  as  he  was
   ,  :J • '_ ·~ ·~  absconding.                                                                -··                    ••
        . ,_,  ....... ~..   ~                                                                    ..
   ... )~\.' ~.::.;.'·<':-i:·/      I have gone  through  the  reply filed  by  the  10.  The  only evideoce
     '(; ~:~(' ~  · )~f\ has  come  in  the  report  is  that  there  was  certain  deposits  in  the  ba~k

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