Page 53 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 53

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  4 ..                                          Addl.  Scssinns hdqe
 ...            ··t•to:   ..•                  rkw D..::l~: L•.;;t  N~OlilaiAhmad Kawa vs.  State
                                                                                   FIR No. 688/2000
                       ' .         U/s 302/307/353/186/201/121/216/468/420/4 71/4 7 4/120-B/34 I PC;· • ,
                '  '                 14 Foreigners Act, 4/5 !:xplosive Suostance Ac & 25/27 Arms Act'                 ., -...
                                                                                    PS Kotwali,  Delhi
                ..    ....
  ···:f·.       q~-   'lhl·'                                                                      ••
                .. -· ·-"67.02.2018
                       Present:    Sh.  Aman  Lekhi,  Sr.  Advocate  along  with  Sh.  Gurpreet  Singh      \
                                   Advocate,  Sh.  Bakul  Jain Advocate  and  Sh.  Jatin  s.  Sethi Adv.
   ''1-~               •           for applicant/accused Bilal Ahmacl Kawa .
 ~'t.           ... .;\ ..   .. ~   Sh.  lrfan Ahmed, Add I.  P4Piic Prosecutor for State .
                                   Insp. Dalip Kumar from Spec:lal C!l!l·
                                                                                               ---                  .  ,.·,.
                ..     1.  ~       By ihis order,  I shall decide an  applicatiol'\ u/s 439 Cr. PC,  filed.on
                      ..behalf of the applicant/accused Bilal Ahmad  K<~wa, for grant of bail.    .
                 . ---  ---~-      Reply to the bail application filed oy the.IO.                   ~
  . .                  2.                                                                                   '\"  '~
  ,.-4,.  .           -~-          Submissions heard.
 ii'Mr.       . :,m    I ,,
  . '
                       4.          Briefly  stated,  facts  of  the  C<l$e  of  prosecution  are  that  on' .         .
  " ..          •.    ,22.12.2000,  at  around  09:05  p.m·.,  iln  incidence  of firing/  attack  in  the"Bed         '
                if     'Fort~ Delhi,  took  place  in  which  6  terrorists  of panned  tl'lrrorist organisati~n
 ...            ..     ~                                                                          ----....
                .~ -· ._:l:ashkar-e-Toiba,  armed  with AK-56/47  rifles  had  entered  into 1.he  premises"'f  ---.._
                       Red  Fort.  Delhi and fired on the security forces,  deployed in the security of the
                                .  Total  three  army  personnel  died  in  the  incidence.  The  terrorist

                                     Lashkar-e-Toioa  clilim!'ld  for  the  aoove  mentioned  attack.
                       Accordingly,  the  present  FIR  No.  688/2000  was  registered  at  PS  Kotwaii. ·   '
                                           , the investigation of the case has been  transferred te.lhe

                                                                                                   , .
                                                                                                   • •
   ··~                             On  10.01.2018, the present applicant/accused Bilal Ahmed Kawa,                   .,
                                                                                                             \  .
                       proclaimed offender and wanted in this case was arrested.
                       •  ...   t
 ~'lf           ""1""   !fiR No. 663/2000, PS Spl. Cell,                                   Page·l/3
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