Page 337 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 337

was  supplied  with  the  Supplementary Chargesheet  and

                        I            the  relied  upon  documents  by  the  prosecution  in

                                     supplementary chargesheet.
                   .·  (\J

                                 3. That the  documents  so  supplied  was  scrutinized  by  the

                                     Applicant and it was found that the Prosecution has relied

                                     upon  various  documents  in  the charge-sheet but few  of

                                     the documents are not supplied to the applicant and there

                                     are  some  documents  which  are  not  readable  being

                                     illegible.  Thus,  the  present  application  is  filed  vis-a-vis

                                     praying  for  the  supply  of  the  said  documents  for  the

                                     proper adjudication of the captioned  matter.

                                 4. That the said documents were essential  as the same are

                                     relied  upon  by the  prosecution  of which  copies  are  with

                                    the  prosecution,  thus these  are to  be  given 1 supplied 1

                                     provided  to  the  applicant  for  trial  of  the  case  in  the

                                     interest of justice.

                                 5. That  it  is  noticed  that  following  documents  are  not
                                     supplied from the list of documents:

                                       i.   DOCUMENTS ARE DIM AND NOT READABLE:
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