Page 314 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 314

Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi
                                                  {Home Police. II Department)

                                                                      5.  Sham Natb Marg, Delhi-54  ®
                        y.:_~)!J. 8/12 17901-HP-II j i-<1'  I
                               '                  w:=
                                                                      Dated the   1.1""'  :r.._~,{  Lou I


                            F. No. B/12 /2001-HP-IT/ '-116 7  '  Whereas  on consideration  of  the  allegations
                            made in case FIR No. 688/2000  dated the 22"'  December, 2000,  regisle:red under
                            sections  302/307/353/186/34  of the  Indian Penal  Code,  1860  (45  of  1860)  and

                            sections,25/27 of the  Arms Act  J,959  (54 of 1959) at  Police Station  Kotwali,  Delhi,
                            Draft Supplementary Challan No. _4,  rec~-¥._erv memos, disclosure statement made
                                      -                        .
                            by the  co-accused  namely,  lvfohd.  Arif  @  Ashfaq  @  Abu  Hamad.  and  other
                                        ,.------                                        -
                            materials/evidence placed on record,  the  Lt.  Governor of  the National Capital
                            Territory  of  Delhi  is  satisfied  that  the  accused  person,  name! y,  ( 1 )~·i Sher
                            Zaman.  son  of Mohd.  ~a. resident  of A -4  Dala  Ram  marke~ Ballimaran,  Delhi

                            (Aij;han national), (zrSlui. Sabir 0} Sabil:ullah@ Afghani,  resident of  5123,  Ill Floor
                            SharifM~njil, Ballimaran, Delhi (Afghan National),  (J)Siui BilaJ Ahmed Kawa,  son
                            of Ali Mohd. resident of Ali Kadal,  Kutubuddin Pura,  Srinagar, J &  K., ~1i Abu
                                                                                 .               ~
                            Haider,  resident of House ofNazir Ahmed Qasid Kannipora,  Srinagar,  J  &  K (Pak
                            national) Ex-District Commander Sri nagar Lashker  +  Toiba,  (~) Shri Abu  BiJe1,  (ijJ
                            BilaJAhmed@. Abu Nasir@ Dar,  Ex-District Commander ofSrinagar,  Lashker -c·
                            Taiba,  resident  of  House  of Zahoor  Ahmed  Qasid  Fateh  Kadal,  Urdu  Baza1;
                            Srinagar, J&K (6)~ Abu Saad (Pak .National)  Lashker -e-Toiba Activist,  resident
                            ofHouse ofZahoor Ahmed Qasid Fateh KadaL  Urdu Bazar,  Srinagar,  J&K (7)  Shri
                            Abu Shukhar,  (Pak National) Lashker -e-Toiba  Activist,  resident of  House  of Slrri

                            Zahoor Ahmed  Qasid Fateh  Kadal  Urdu  Bazar,  Srinagar,  J  &K.,  (8)§hri Faroo<l
                            Ahmed son ofShri Nazir Ahmed resident of Kannipura,  Srinagar,  J&K.  and~
                            Nazir Ahmed Qasid son  of Slui.  GuL1m  Mohd.,  resident of  Kannipura,  Srinagar,

                            J.&K., have,  prima  facie.  conunitted   offences  punishable  m1der sections
                            121/121-A  of the Indian  Penal  Code,  1860  (45  of 1860\.  being  involved  in
                            criminal  conspiracy  to conun!t tlle  said offences  with the  inle:ntion of waging   ~
                                                                                                      "(i5  ,
                            war ~ainst the Govenm1ent of India a]QJJgwith clh>er gffences.   /

                                 A.nd ,.-hereas it is  necessary rn  the :lnle:rests  of JUStice t~the crimi:nal
               I           proceedings should be initiat~d against the said dccused person in the  comt of           ' --

                \          t'on1petent  jurisdiction for  their trlal  .in  re~peli of th_,~  btlid  offenc~s rtlleged.  to   '  I
                (          have been cOJmnitted by  -i!.Cffi.                                                       k

                L                                                                                                   )  ' '
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