Page 242 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 242

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        ...  . ....                                   Gove?n'me:nt  Oct'  X:nd.i.a.
                                            MINISTRY  Of- · EXTERINAL  AFFAIRS
                                                  Regional  Passport;  Office
                                                               lliHINAG.A.H.           lndaot  Stadium  Compltx
                              I                                                        Sail • ud • Dln  Memorial  Building,
                                                                                       Srinagar,  Kasbmir • 19000l
                                                                                       Oftice  : 433215,  43550!1,  435365
                                                                                       Fax.  C0194)  433215
                                                                             ,  :  431391,  433SS1
                                                                                                 f'Jafc<l .••  - .. _---

                               Subject  :  Pas!J>nrt  rooilitlcs  to  Sh, -·   -·  -· ---- - - - -
                                        Sfo,  Ofo,  W(o  Sll.  "'  ,, •  ..._  ·- ·- ,_  -  ...- · ~,  u.  -  ••

                               Sir 1 Madam
                                       1'lease  refer  to  yollt  appjjcalion  fot ;a  frcsb 1 diiPllcate  .pU'P"''- In  Chis  CODieetloD,  folio-
                               win&  iofonuatiorr(<lcc•!ll<"m•  isfM#  D#~ to  finalll;c  your  llflplicatio•.

                               I,   Oeposite  Rs, -·  .••    ·- In  this  ollie•  or  thto'Bgh  a  Bank  &rart.
                               2,          w.paprr  cullting  carryins  notlee  abOut  ch11111e  of  DIIDC  and  u  allidivit  In ••pport  of
                                    chan   or  your  IWDC.  In  .... you  de  Dot  belong  to J" K.  DOUce  In  the  newspaper  or lhc
                                        a  yon  beloog,  should  also  bo  publithed  aad  fumllb  cutting.
                               3,    ease  •end  mU£\• cetti!Wa%e  cogerb.o:r  with a sworn  affidavit  In  support  of  tile  marria&o:  alld
                                    CODIIOQUO>ll  change  Of  DaJIIO.
                               4,   llciii  io  ~etton ~llcde es per  llnnexure B from  pareat  Doptt. (J&K)  NQC  r.._ Vis. deptt.
                             vs.r.d birth  certiAcate  from  DIIIDicipality/State  Govi./Sellool  AuthoritY  In reopect  of  your  cbildf
                                    children  duly  attested.  Date  of birth  certificate  from  l'Y!.  achool  ate  to  be  endoaed  bJ  rloc
                                    respe  ·ve  Stete  education  Deptt.  authority.               ~
                                                                                            .•.• d.\'31
                              6,   F                         copies  of  ~oor photograph  solf  .l!f-~~   1f:_ 1 (ft.l
                              7,   F  .  nisi>  iwo  clear  copl<•  of yolll'  photogt«ph.   ~ ·~  ~(\a'lal
                                                                                        ~ vass
                              3,   F  nioh  proof  of  your  stay  f"'  t~e  last  2  years  io  J&K:  bCO!IIIi6~1Q~led tbst
                                       are  nol  na.ylng  at  the  &ddre .. given  In  your  appllcalion  ~~   y~ff<uion Card).
                              9,       "&b.  proof  of  your  nationalilf  e.  g.  tbe  voter  lisr,  V/C   ~·
                              10,   You   e  requested  to  call  on  this  Ollice  to  see  P. 0  on  uy  wortlng  day  between  2  p m.  to
                                   4 • 30  p,   with  riMs  Jett·r  f<>r  ..tsnlng  the  passpoxt  .application  of  your  child 1 self  etc.
                              11,   Purnillh  s   imtn  slgaature  or ;your  child I self  for  whom  lbe  pli>SJIDTI  bas  be<n  applied.
                              12,   loodieatc  you  dale  of  blnh f place  of  birth,  Village/ Town  Disltt.  &  Srate  etc.
                              ll.                "gbl  (preferable  in  motcxe)  colour  of  eyes/colour  of  hllrjOlstiuciug  marl<.
                              14,               isclosc  the  fact  &bat  '"" hold  a  passpoTt flravel  documena  (valid  or  apir<dJ
                                   please  give  r  "'liS  &  surrender  the  pauportftravol  documcAts.
                              IS,   You  bave  .  co.  the  detail'  or  lhe  passport I tr&vel  docwncnu  held  by  you,  but  not  s..rc<nd-
                                   ertd  it  to  bis  office  Pl.  d.o  II  now.
                              1~.  o've  )'OUt  fatber•srmoth<rfspouse  run  name  In  CJ(panded  (orm.
                              17,   J&K
                                          Copy  to  ...... -.•. ·~· .....


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