Page 241 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 241


                                       (  AFF.IDA.VIT)

                     ~'  NIYAZ  . .A!IM'D  XA'W~~  l!\,1!1  !?f  !>!~ ~!4 ~~~~ ~.~• ~.SI~H 0~ llHKADAt
                        QUT\JB  DIN  RlRA,  S!Il'IAGAR,    do  hP.reby  solemnly  affirm  that  I  have
                     filled  up  an  application  dated  o?fl\1 \9~9  for  going  abroad  for
                      Bl.!.SVne&~              I   take  on  oath  and  l  sdemnly  declare  that  the
                     partio~ars  f~rnished  by  me  in  my  said  passport  apPlication  form
                     are  true  and  correct  and  I  have  not  ~oncealed or  misrepresented
                     facts  in  it.
                                     Tl:at  I  am  the  citizen of  india  by  birth  I  have  neither
                                     been  deprived  of  the  citizenshiP  of  india.

                     2*              That  I  have  not  been  convicted  by  a  court  in  india  fol
                                     any  criminal  offence  and  sentenced  to  imprisonment  at

                                     time  d~ring  the  period  of  five  years.
                     3*              That.  I  de.elare  thatno  cfiminal  proceedings  are  p~~n
                                     against  me  in  ary  co1.1rt  1n  indi!l·               v\}<S'al  <;;::/;
                                                                                              "~           1 ce  1
                     4*              I  take  an  oath  that  no  warrent  or  samon£>         "'!l'L     '{f;"
                                                                                                 tl'~\~  (
                                     -ence  or  a  warrent  for  my  arrest  or  any  ~~~·f,~ll.a
                                                                                           ~ ~~~: .'<\0'1'1'"
                                     -ting  my  departure  from  india  been  issu~~~~~C'UUr·
                                     -t.                                                     ~·
                     5*              I  have  never  repatriated  from  abroad  at  aovt.expenses.
                     6*              I  take  an  oath  that  I  em  not  holding  any  other  passpor1

                                     That  r  am  fully  awear  that  undersection  12  of  the  Act
                                     1967  it  iS  a  penal  offen=e  to  knowlingly  furniSh  any
                                     false  information  or  s~ppress material  information.

                     9*              That  my  date  of  birth

    :.. -~'"~12!.--~  tho:t  t!le  stattmU:ra:
    p· tk "~ cl>c':': hos~#><CiH;iOn  :-
    ~~_:· ~ iY](!I~01}'e'itJ1~~- that  the  contats  of  thiS  affidavit  ue  true  and correct
    !J' Akt .tyL  {,.tJ?,)=f~··.~st  of  my  knowledge  and  nothing  has  been  concealed  therein.
    r · .. ·   tL(/''1~• ·t-r'  'lt-bi-·.-.o
           ..  ·· ... ·-'l-l'"' 1.?  .<7.1 •. ~.
    ~1;.  ; ......  ~-  -
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