Page 197 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 197

Statement of Account
                    Standard Chartered Grindlays                  TJ-Js statement shows entries
                                                                  processed l7y the Bunk.
                                                                  !\tatement i~uued  I   16  SE:f>  00
                                                                  th:~ dlr.o your !a:.1
                                                                  the clo'e ol   I
          Account                                                 !::nsSir.&uon      16  oe:<:  oo
                                                                  Sunomfttlt          .  7/001
          Al::coun!  type                                =:::J    Curreocy
          and number                            2SS52W9                                  INR
                                                         C!!bi:S               Blll:~~nco
                          RAI.ANC:I/:  llltOUGMT  FORWARO                            5,000.00
            l.!'l/09)00  19/0!l roo  CHE®E  W'1 lliORAWAL   00077&996     3.000.00
             z5to9;oo {i?Y"'·.:---"!i  cEan                ·1,000.00                 1,000.00
                          CASif  CHQ  ti0•?16993  !"il  0~ 12.09.00
             2'109/00  l   ~  OI!:OUE  OEPOSI't                        100,000.00   101,000.00
                          lNlEii:NAL  Olt()UE  OEPOSH
             :ZU09/0CH7  ,g;oo  CltiOQV£  WITIIORA..-At.   000776991   90,000.00     11,000.00
             04/10/00  o.:t:tO/OG  CHfQlJE  WtT..ORAWAL   000977001   2.4)0.00       S,5SO,UO
             0<1/10/0Q  04/10/00  OIEOUE  O!:POSIT                     600,000.00   608,5)0.()0
                           l!ITEA.I\IAL  CHFQUE  OEI'
             0)/10/00  O'S/10/00  C!ltO!JE  WI~CRAWAL   000971003   5.000.00        £03,SSO.OO
             Ofi/1,0/00  ll£/10/00  Cf!!QC€  WITHO!t.MOAL   000977002   200,00'0.00   401, HO.OO
             06/liJ/00  06!10/00  OlEQUE  'II!IiHCRAWAL   000977004   100,000.00    l03,SSO.OO
             06/10/00  OG/10/00  CH£0\.iE  WtTHt:A:AWAL   0009710'()1   100.000.00   203,S50.00
             06/10/00  0&/10/00  CHEQUE  WlTIIDRAil,:jJ.   000971006   100,000.00   101,550.00
             CEi/l\1/00  06/10/00  CHEO>JE  WiffiORAWAt.   00097700')   100,000.00   :i-,550.00
             30/10/!lO  30/l0/00  CHEQUf;  WiniOIIAWAl.   000971009   2.000.00       l,S$0.00
            Cl/U/00 Ol/ll/00  OtEQUE  OEPCSIT                          175,0{10.00   176,~SfJ.OO
                           IN1'UNAL  cm;QU£  OE>'OS:T
            02/ll/00 OZ/ll/00  Clte('NE  WlTIIOIU.W.\1,.   000977(111   75.000.00   20l,SSO.OO
            02/ll/00 Ol/ll/00  CliEQ'J£  WITHl!Rol.WAt   000977010   200,000.00      1,550.00
            Ol/12/00  Ol/lUOO  OF:81T                        lSO.OO                  l  ,400.00
                           CI1Q  RElV!\14  CHG$
             14/12/00  14/ll/00  Cf!EQOt  OEPOS.IT                     100,000.00   301,4{)0.00
                           t"'1'ERI<4L  Cl-iE'QI.!E  tJ£P0St't'
             l'j/12/00  1S/l2/00  CHEQUE  WITIIOII:AWAt   000971016   lO,OOQ.QO     291,400.00
             16/ll/00  16/11/00  CHEQUE;  Wlll!OAAW~   000(17101)   3,SOO.tHl       257 ,9tl0.00
             1Ml2/00 16/ll/00  CHEQUE  WITl!ORAWAl   0009170l2   15,000.(10         27Z,9tl!J.OO
             16/H/~0 16/12/00  C.f<EOIJE  0£90SlT                      4ll,OOQ.CO   6SS,900.00
                           INT£RN41..  CHEOIJE  OEPOSTT
                                                                                   '  &85,900.00
                                                         1,010,100.00   1,61!5,0(HLDO
          Name and mailing address
                     t;UTIJ6  OtN  FOltA,
                   Plea~W ten us tf you chmg& your address..
                                                                                           · ......
                                                                                         . ·.  ,,~  .
                                                                                              ...::,  . :.::~-:
                                                                                          ; ~ .. ; .... :  ljt);:; t

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