Page 195 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 195

Statement of Account
                    Standard Chartered Grindlays                 .This slatement shows omnes
         Bnmch de:ail3   . s~II'Il.GAII                          processed by the Bunk
                   .:  ~B;run RoAo                                Frnm
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          andnumbet   •   CURRENT  ACCOUNt· RES   26S52609        Currency
            T~sociion  Vtl!ue   Transacton Doso-Otion
            D.:!!e   Date
                          1\AlAHC:E  BJ!Oti(;Ht  f:OIIWAA.D                           'iOi .36
            2:9/0l/00  29/03!00  CAS!t  OE:I'OS.H                     lOQ,OQQ.OO    1GO,S07.lti
            30/03[00  l0/0~'}00  OEEQUE  Wln¢RJ..WAL      100,000.00                  507. 3&
            ll/03/00  01/0<fli{),~  C/A  LEOGEII.  FEE      S01, 16                    0.00
            02/~/00 Ol/06' '  l  CASH  DEPOSIT                        110,000.00    uo,ooo.oo
            13/06100  .1):.,.'06'  ..,,  (H(QiJ£  W1Tl-40J!AWAL   ooon6977   100,000.00   Hl,OOO.OO
            14/00/00 j1.i!_~f:/OO  tHi:Q'.JE  WfnctiAAltAL   000776976   10.000.00      0.00

                          END  o,:  STAiiJ.IE!iT                                       0.00
          Nnrrio and m:uUlng address
                      .  , .... ,.,......,.---------------,
                     41.1  UOAI.,
                     I::IJTUB  OIH  ro;u.,
                   Plene tell us if you change your address.
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