Page 46 - STATE v ARIF & ORS. SC-NO-540-2022 PART 1
P. 46

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      :ustomer             1 0050a2.1.4 .1 !_6& 4f!/~~- 01{011~01 B 1CJ.60.00  •  •   :Due Date('{~!~):             .,
                           cHa  7!sli!d2\.Mrnltrulpply Tor ttectnc•ty          .   1'1-01-2018
                                                                               t  "'-  -o          L
             :  ~'·  ZAHIRUDOI~ ...      Sanctioned load    : 5.00 (KW)        CA No.         : 100509214
                                         Contract Demand                       Energisation Date: 24,12,2009
      lre!ls   :  S/0 Mr. SIRAJUOO ... PLOT N()-14
              CHAMELIYAN ROAD,SETH JABBU U\l CLY   MDI      : 3.68 (KW) Type    : 1 PSK
              SETH JABBU  LAL  COLONY  DELHI NEAR SHAFIC   Power Factor        Supply Type    : LT
              MEMORIYAL SCHOOL OELH1110005                  : 1.000
                                         Pole No.           : PHGPC071S1       Bill No.       :  101562763132      -
      el. No.   :  9899995485            Walking Sequence   : MBC01XX14AOAE    Bill Basis     : Actual              ·,
                                         Cycle No.          : 12                               '
     )ivision   :  Pahar Ganj            Tariff Category    : Domestic [ Residential ]
     ~d1ng Status  :  DL
             :  OEC·17
             ;  24·12·2017
                                                            -..        -.          "
        MeteiNo.   u·nit;.  ··-~-· Bllhid, CO_n5:umPlion (Current)   - Billed ConsttrilPtion (PreVToUs)  Mu1tlptiC:auon  Current cOr\Sumptlon~ ~
          (~<I.)   (ljf'lc)   Date of Meter Reading   Reading   Date of Meter Reading  Reading   Fatt1)r   Days   Unit
                           .~~l!lifllll~    (~)       (>!tt-<~llil~    (1\fm)    (;j'lit~   ~) .     (ljf'lc)
        35273872   KWH      20-12-2017     3423.00     20-11-2017    3140.00    1.00        30     283.00
        35273872   KW       20-12-2017      3.68       20-11-2017               1.00  -             3.68
      B1lhng Detatls~ '1>1  ~)
      Current Period Charges  (<R\'lA  ~      to10·1<'.·2017  )
        Fixed  .JCOnsumptlon  Enorgy  .  Slabwlse Energy Chafgo I ~~POWfl ~~~  Time of Day (i0o) charge   ~ftt'A'   !:~K:rtl:tin~5,.,on   Total Amount
                                               Ad)ur.!mtnl Cll!rpt
                                                                                     Er.u;y C/',trgt, RA & PtMiorl
                                                                           on f-nlov( Chattlt •
      Charge="A"  Monsui'Qd .. : .  Units   "(lilt . .,:m ~jlllf"'}   ,.._"'Ji•-~   ~Wr~t(t;.'ttl!!ff   Axed Chargo. Reb*)  Sardl.l~, PPAC, TOO SU!Ch¥9'1   O:cA+B+O[}+E+
         ~     ~wing/~  cOilslijr.ild 1  Units  Amount =·"B"  PPAC.%   PPAC   TODo/t   TOO Surctwuef   R~br.!ii:!IOUM •"If'   F+G+H)
      ""'"' 'Jl'<)  '""' -.J ~~  cr~~a·•;   ,;Rate   :!  -·   -~   on 8  ·  Amount= ~c"  on"B·'   Rehato Amount "'"D"   ~ "' ~ .:4!"   ~ ftVl ~ ~ tlstt   ~'lllll)
                      oFii<f<RJ".'I\4  ~'~   (ofli)  .  (B~~<ftl) I•<:'   .~liil'ul/'1.'~   ·IF-~!'~   ~~~~p-~~~
       171.23          196.00   4.00   784.00                                117.83     <0.2'?     1715.50
      0.98 M:h{s)
                       87.00   5.95   517.65
      PP,AC on Fl~cd                                                       l:.f.~~fr~~
      Charge:: "GH                                      -                   ~MIII!·'f"              .
      (.,.,.~ ...                                                          I  ~lfl'l!+ri         •.
                                                                           '   -~IO'l
      ··~)                                                                 : 3.70'JI,m.rnm'
        0.00                                                                 54.50
             Total Unlts-283      Totai(B),j301.65   Totat(C)"'   -  Totat(D)=
      Past Dues I Refunds I Subs1dy (lQ1rorr  i!iPI<Il/'!flffit/~)
      ~   Arrears I Refunds~/'((!Q"ffiJ"..,.  ,  Late Payment   Other Charges,   Total Charges  I Rebate 1 Subsidy*   Net Amount
          A-~nt     Period to which It relates  Surcharge (LPSC)   if any•   ;t::.,  r  .  ~~~)   \<!\01 .. '~flo)
                                    t<ll~~'"~  (3R11!"'. ~ m m)
                      {f:!l!;ll'ill ~ ,;,.., t)
                                                      0.66        1716.16    I   /(650.83)      1065.33
       Amount npt immediateiX payable.,  ~        Reasons {ifiRui)            em A~~· '(~~rb'e
       if any.  (<ifW iT l(i<i ~ ~ '· ~ m m)
       ~~ llllficum Devalo~ntCh~ld~ ~000.00   I Socurlty De~s;:l~h DISCOM  ('3000.00
          Jl;m .... ~      '        --      (m.l\ "  """'"'  '"">             ~ 1060.00
       Interest accrued for FY   , already adjusted in bill No.   t(18U.UU)   Due Date o~~ayment
       1012.92494178  (generated for the perlo6!2.03·2017  to   19-04-201"7   )   J~ '{~! ~ 1-01-2018
       Interest for FY2017·18   Will be ndjusted In your first bill to be generntcd In  FY   2018-19   If payment is made after the due date, LPSC   (/)
                                                                              for the dcla~ shall be charged In the next ~111.   h
                                                                              (f.'l'lffi  ~ on<:  1jlJ(fFT  ~ q~ li'fl  ~  (')
                                                        '                     ~'I 3T'R')  f.m  li 'f<'!'l)~mft Ul1o  l<>!t  ~.)
     last payment~ 15i1 oo   received on _.2B-1J.2Dlz  ·   . Payment accounted upto 21:1.6:1.211.   ·
     The connection shall be liable for disconnection on non·payment of nil dues (Including arrears of previous blll(s) by due date, after notice as per
     Section 56(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003
   _L~                   .. : ..  -:
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